
Archive for the ‘TMI Tuesday’ Category

TMIT: Let’s Get Serious

Let’s Get Serious

tmituesday serious


1. What are you most afraid of?
I am afraid of not being able to breathe. I have asthma, sometimes very bad, as well as severe allergies that have sent me to the hospital with anaphylaxis. Walking into a hospital and having them bring you on back without asking you any questions, that was when I knew things were seriously bad. I have an inhaler and an Allerject that are with me at all times. Well, except for that one time last month when I left my bag at the office and hadn’t yet replaced my spare. That was not a fun night.

2. Do you believe in life after death?
Do I believe when we die we magically end up in heaven or hell, or some other existence? Not really. I do believe that there is something to be learned from the human experience and our souls reincarnate until we learn whatever that is. I also believe that we live on through our children. Each generation carries pieces of the generations before it.

3. What is your purpose?
My purpose in life is to raise my son to be a decent human being. To provide for him, to love him, and to teach him.

4. Where are you going?
When I’m done this? Upstairs to bed. 😉

5. Do you fear hell? Why or why not?
Not at all, because I don’t believe the hell we are taught to fear really exists. Many of us live a hell on earth these days.

6. Do you feel free?
Nope. You have to know that I love my son and would do anything in the world for him, but since having him my whole existence has changed. He is a factor in everything I do, in every decision I make. I can’t even go to the bathroom without him following behind me!

Bonus: Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don’t point to their crotch when asking where is the bathroom?
I always thought pointing to your crotch was the universal signal for “Do you want to get with this?” Or maybe it’s “Beware, it’s that time of the month and this things a monster!” I don’t know. LOL…


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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What’s In Your Car?

whats in ur car art tmi

Answer these questions as they pertain to your personal mode of transportation.

1. What CD is in your Cd player?
Pearl Jam’s “Ten”

2. Turn on your car radio, what station is it tuned to?
Y108, and the song playing is Heavy by the Glorious Sons. I’m loving this song! Take a listen and let me know what you think.

3. What is in your glove box?
Maybe the better question is what’s not in my glove box! The owner’s manual is in there. All the receipts from oil changes and maintenance I’ve had done. Three Insect Repelling Superbands, air freshener, a cover for my cell phone, a fork, two protein bars, a candle, a couple sanitary napkins, and as many serviettes as I can cram in there.

4. Are there any stickers on your bumper? What? (You can post photos too).20141021-225317.jpg
No bumper stickers on my car.

5. What stickers or car magnets are on your car? (You can post photos too).
There is one little sticker on my rearview mirror of a blue flower.

6. When you drive do you have a favorite beverage? What?
I usually just drink water, sometimes Vitamin Water or tea when the cold weather hits. The empty bottles all end up on the floor behind me until the following garbage day, or until I remember garbage day.

7. What is the most unique thing about your car?
It was a scratch and dent special. When I bought it there were scratches and dents on both sides of the car. One major dent on the front passenger side. I’ve never gotten them fixed and I don’t care to.

8. Have you modified or decorated or enhanced your steering wheel?
Nope. Cleaning it is as far as it goes.

9. If your normal mode of transportation is a bicycle or a motorcycle, what have you done to personalize it?
My normal mode of transportation is my car. If that’s down I usually borrow a friend’s or rent one.

10. If your regular mode of transportation is public transport–bus or subway–what do you do to pass the time on your rides?
The last time I took public transit was more than a year ago, and that was just for fun to take my son on his first train ride. I used to take the train and subway to work and school every day. It wore thin so I got a job closer to home, outside Toronto’s downtown core.

Bonus: What is the sexiest thing in your car?
Me! 😉

Bonus, Bonus: What does your choice of personal or regular mode of transportation say about you?
It says that my car is about function not fashion. It is 12 years old and looks like crap but runs great. When I can get around in a snowstorm that SUV’s get stuck in, that’s what I like about my car.
I would rather have a rundown old car that I don’t owe anything on than the newest, fanciest model with a car loan. My money can be better spent on things other than keeping up with the Joneses.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

TMI Tuesday



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TMIT – Discuss

tmi discuss mike meyers

1. What do you collect?
Not much really. I have started collecting teacups from my family. I only have a handful but each of them are very special.

2. What do you do for fun?
Fun? What’s that?! I have a four year old son, fun is building a tower out of blocks then knocking it down or having a tickle fight.

3. Name a place that’s fun for you to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there.
I always have a good time going back to where I grew up and visiting my family and friends but I would never want to live there again. It is a super small town and everyone is all up in everyone else’s business. I’m not into that nonsense. I was considering it a while back when my son was first born but after a trial visit I realized it wouldn’t work. My family is all talk about being there and helping out and wanting me close. They say the right things, but they don’t follow the words up with the right actions. If I were to move back there I would be more alone than I am here with no family. At least here I know I don’t have family to depend, there I would think that I did but end up not. That’s a worse situation to be in, especially for a single parent.

4. Do you believe in revenge?
Absolutely not! I don’t see the point in it. Doing mean things to others because they’ve done something mean to you only perpetuates more of the same. Besides, wouldn’t being mean to someone have more of a negative affect on your happiness than someone being mean to you?

5. Do you believe in forgiveness and do you forgive and forget?
I do believe in forgiveness but although I can forgive someone (many people say I am too forgiving), I can’t as easily forget. I don’t think we should completely forget, nor should the other person forget what they have done to warrant you having to forgive them. They should remember so they know how lucky they are to be given that second, or third or fourth, chance. The thing about forgiveness is that it is more for you than the person you are forgiving. Holding on to feelings of resentment and anger only affect you, not the other person. You have to forgive so you don’t become a miserable old bitch.

6. Are you religious? spiritual? Atheist?
I am spiritual. I am absolutely not religious.

Bonus: What’s your routine every night just before you go to sleep?
Most nights I tuck my son in and lay with him for a little bit until he is asleep or almost asleep then I clean up the kitchen and make our lunches for the next day. I will often do some reading or writing once I get in bed before turning off the light and going to sleep. Lately I’ve been playing Boggle on my phone. It’s addictive!


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

TMI Tuesday

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