
Posts Tagged ‘gag’

“Whether your dog fancies herself dominant or submissive, her role in the pack may have something to do with it. So-called active submission or appeasement includes behaviors like jumping, attention-seeking, nuzzling and performing a play bow. If these behaviors accompany the bone drop, your dog is reminding you that she knows you’re the alpha.”
~ Training, The Daily Puppy





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9.5" dildo with suction base

9.5″ dildo with suction base

It’s been too long since I visited my local adult store Aren’t We Naughty. It was rather obvious to me during my short visit this afternoon when I didn’t know anyone working there. When did this happen? I used to know everyone. I’d walk in and we’d all great each other by name. I kinda felt like Norm on Cheers. Noooorm!

Today it wasn’t like that. Everyone was friendly and inviting, very helpful, but truth is I miss Pilar. She was my girl. Since she’s been gone (which has been well over a year, maybe closer to two) I’ve been there three times. Could be four, I’m not quite sure. What I am sure of is that my regular monthly visits came to an abrupt halt when she left. Why is that? You know how you just click with some people? That was what it was like with her. We just clicked. I trusted her to be honest with me. That’s important when you are spending money, sometimes hundreds of dollars at a time, on a product that you are unable to return. Especially when those products are for my personal pleasure.

This is also why I don’t do much online purchasing. Things never seem to be quite as extraordinary as they appear on websites. Most often I find things to be much smaller when I receive them at home. The statement, objects may appear larger than actual size, comes to mind. I know how big 6 inches is, or how big around a circumference of 1.5 inches is, but when I measure against that ruler in my hand I somehow get a picture of something bigger than what arrives in my mailbox. Then there is the power of the vibration or strength of grip that also seem to be overstated. When I go to a store and see an item in person I am always left much more satisfied by the products I bring home.

1 pussy pump

Pussy Pump

Did I ever tell you about my experience interviewing at Aren’t We Naughty’s head office? I made it to the second round of interviews for an accounting manager position about 8 years ago. It was one of the more unique interviewing experiences I’ve had. My interviews were held in the display room. Yep, a giant room with the walls covered in every product they carry. I’m sure they do that to get reactions out of people and weed out the ones who are offended by what they sell. I have to admit, I was a tad distracted by the displays. I kept noticing things I didn’t have or hadn’t seen or had wanted for some time but hadn’t yet purchased. No matter how comfortable you are with the subject matter, you can’t help but be distracted by a 12 inch blue dildo hanging directly in your line of sight behind the interviewers shoulder. It is still the one company I keep looking for openings at. They are very few, which is a good thing when looking at a company for employment. I don’t want to work for a company with a high turnover rate. Few openings means low turnover. Besides, I think it would be a much more fun place to work than where I do now. Something about the dish of condoms on the table in the waiting area, the large penis soap dispenser in the washroom, and the room full of sex toys.

1 bone gag

Doggie Bone Gag

So what products did I bring home with me today? The three you see in this post of course. Two I haven’t tried out yet, one I have. Two are to be used on me, the other by a male friend. One I never thought I would purchase in a million years, one I’ve wanted since the first time I saw the result of it being used, and the other just needed to join the rest of my toy army. Do you think you know which is which?


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