
Posts Tagged ‘play’

“Whether your dog fancies herself dominant or submissive, her role in the pack may have something to do with it. So-called active submission or appeasement includes behaviors like jumping, attention-seeking, nuzzling and performing a play bow. If these behaviors accompany the bone drop, your dog is reminding you that she knows you’re the alpha.”
~ Training, The Daily Puppy





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Liar, Liar

So, I lied. I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t intentional in the least. When I said I was going to post two pieces this week I meant it, life just got in the way. That’s been happening a lot lately, life getting in the way. Only currently it is a good thing rather than me just being a moody bitch who can’t put two nice words together.

I’ve been out socializing. I know, I’m a bit surprised by that as well. I’ve been on a few dates and had some playful fun. I’ve also been on a few nice outings with a friend, Artist Wife, which is something I haven’t done much of in recent years. Being a single parent changes a lot of things about one’s life no matter how much we say nothing is going to change.

Why am I being so social lately? My son is away. He’s spending the summer, most of it at least, a whole six weeks and two days (not that I’m counting of course) with his Nana in Newfoundland. He is having a blast. I, in the meantime, am endeavouring to get out there and do some of the things I want and enjoy doing while not having to worry about how much it costs me to do it. What I mean by that is that I don’t need to worry about how much I am spending on babysitting for someone to watch him for me to go out, and I don’t need to worry about how much time I am spending away from him. It’s a novel idea after the past four years.

So, what things have I been up to? I went to a lavender farm the other week. It was beautiful. The sight of the pretty little lavender blooms filling the field row after row. The scent of fresh lavender in the air. It took every ounce of control not to just roll around in the field and get completely covered in the wonderfully intoxicating lavender.

This past weekend we went to the Bizarre Bazaar. It is a bazaar of local craftsmen and artisans focusing on BDSM gear. It wasn’t quite what I had expected but I enjoyed it. There are some very talented people. There are also some not so talented people who think they are. There was one vendor, Bad-Ass Designs from Windsor, who was fantastic! Cutlass is a true artist.

One of the things Artist Wife and I noticed was a glaring lack of any breast relates items. There were no pasties, no nipple jewelry, no clamps of any sort. If you know me at all you know these are things I like. There may be someone who makes/sells these locally and they just weren’t at the bazaar this time round. There is only enough room for about a dozen tables so not every vendor can be at every event. We spoke with the organizer and are considering booking a table at a future bazaar.

I also met a lovely young man this last week and we’ve had a bit of fun together so far. Fun is fun. What I am enjoying most so far though is the getting to know each other. The long discussions about ourselves and our lives and the silly stories from our youth. Apparently I’m not the only person who has stopped in the middle of a sexual act and left because it just wasn’t cutting it. In recent times the new men I’ve met have been more about play than actually getting to know each other and see if something more may come of it. It’s not just because of them but also due to the way I’ve approached meeting them, if that makes sense. When I am not open to the possibility it won’t present itself. Now, I am not just open to the possibility I am actually excited by it. That makes all the difference.

So, now it would seem I lied about lying. Geez! Just can’t catch a break.

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What do you wear to a dungeon? Something black and sexy of course. What you wear over the sexy stuff doesn’t much matter but I wore a very simple and little black dress.

I tried this sexy number. It fit the bill, but it wasn’t quite right.

black lace bra

Then I tried this one and it was the keeper.

blue with bling

I spent some time with my friend, The Big Mean Sadist, and he gave me a few pretty souvenirs to take home. I understand it may be too graphic for some, so rather than post them openly you can click on the photos above to view photos that were taken shortly afterwards (the top photo) then one from this morning (the bottom photo).


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