
Posts Tagged ‘bruises’


He likes to bite and I love when he does. Like a wild animal tearing into his prey, marking his territory, with wild abandon.

The bruises he leaves behind are my reminders. There are currently a dozen I can see in addition to my bruised derriere and a scratch up my thigh. They remind me of him with every move, every glimpse caught in the mirror. As I touch them with my finger I feel the ache and the memories of how they got there come flooding back. I can’t wait for more.




I’ve missed him the past few days. Still a few more before he returns. Maybe I’ll leave him with a few reminders the next time he has to go out of town.




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“If I could take away his pain… If there was a way to transfer it from his soul onto mine. I would take it. Without hesitation I would take it all. Maybe that’s how you know you love someone. When you actually feel each tear they cry as if they were your own. When you feel each cut, each bruise, each hit as if you’re the one suffering.”
~ Rachel Van Dyken, Toxic


A final look at the bruising that came after last week’s play at the dungeon. You can see other pictures here.

Sinful Sunday

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I had a great session on the spanking bench Saturday night. I was nervous at first, being in the middle of the dungeon with a lot of people around, but Daddy has a great way of connecting and comforting you before he plays. When I finally knelt and lay across the bench my rear end was naked and eager. I quickly forgot about everyone else there.


I had mentioned to him how I was kind of disappointed there were no marks after the last flogging so he didn’t do his usual warm up on me. He started off with a beautiful long suede flogger then came another, and another, gradually getting harder as he went along.


Next came the cane, the crop, his bare hand, and the vampire gloves. My ass was left hot and blushing, my head light and happy.


A day later and the bruising started. A little tender but not too bad. An Epsom salts bath and some recovery cream were in order.


Another day and the bruises are growing. I find the little spots from the vampire gloves quite exquisite, like freckles across my skin.


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Friends. Photography. Adventure.

The Other Livvy

My secret alter ego...