
Posts Tagged ‘bdsm’


You should always trust your body and it’s limitations. Easily said when you are living a vanilla life, but not so when you enter the world of kink and BDSM. It isn’t that easy because we are may be pushing a limit, some boundary that we want to move beyond or that our Dom wants to help us move beyond. We will engage in activities that cause pain or draw blood, or that generally scare the shit out of us and excite us to no end at the same time. We test ourselves, our Dom’s test us, we test them…. (Yes, we test you. It’s true. Any sub who says they do not or have not tested their Dom is lying.)

The thing is though, that our bodies can only go so far and we need to recognize that before we do great harm. When our endorphins are rushing through us and we start heading off into subspace we can miss or neglect the signs of going to far. This is when you need to trust your Dom to notice the signs for you. When you can’t trust your body, trust your Dom. If you can not trust your Dom then you need to find another.

When your Dom is whipping you and you start to fly you aren’t paying attention to your body heating up or the shakes that start or the fact that you are unable to respond in any comprehensible manner to the pain he is inflicting on your body. Even if we like it, it’s still pain and pain can mean damage. You aren’t paying attention to the signs your body is giving you, but he is. He is checking in with you throughout the scene and notices every little movement and nuance of your body. He knows how it reacts and when it reaches it’s limits.

This means that even though you didn’t use your safe word or get to the point of play that you thought you would, he is going to stop the scene. He should stop the scene. If you are in a public play space or play party and he doesn’t stop the scene a DM will. Keep in mind that just because someone has to step in to stop a scene does not mean that you have a bad Dom. It could be that while you are flying into subspace he is flying into Domspace and not fully aware of the situation. When he is checking in with you during your scene you should be checking on him as well. This way you will notice if he is starting to fly or if he is becoming agitated and you can stop the scene at that time.

I know I said trust your body and if you can’t trust your body trust your Dom, but the reality is we are all human and there may occasionally be times when things happen that we don’t expect or are out of our control. This absolutely must not be the norm. If this becomes the norm you need to find another Dom.

When you aren’t able to trust your body, here are some things your Dom is looking at:

  1. Your breathing – Is your breathing becoming shallow or erratic? Are you having a hard time catching your breath? Maybe you have asthma and an attack is coming.
  2. Your ability to communicate – If you needed to use your safe word, could you? If you can’t communicate verbally are you able to communicate another way?
  3. The sounds you make – Have you stopped making sounds you normally would make? Are you being more vocal than usual?
  4. Your body shaking or lack of movement – How does your body normally react to what he is doing? How is it reacting now?
  5. Your eyes – Are you able to focus on him or something in the room?
  6. Your sense of touch – Do you feel the whip as it makes contact? Are you numb? Is your skin overly sensitive?

These are just a handful of signs your Dom may be looking at. I am by no means an expert on the matter. There can be many more and different signs depending on the dynamics of the people involved and the kind of scene they are having.





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“The rope longed for her beloved, the ceiling hook.
The suspended body; a harbinger of good news.
Love was lost.
Love was found.”
~ Chirag Tulsiani


Friends often bring the nicest things to play with. 🙂




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Molly wrote about a Fucktoy Friday Task she was given a while back that involved purchasing an item at a local hardware store and using it to make herself cum. You can read about her task and how she completed it HERE.

There are plenty of things that can be perverted at stores like Home Depot. The challenge is to think outside of the box, to bypass the obvious choices. What are obvious choices? I would think screwdrivers and the like with nice round handles would be rather obvious and expected. One of the things I purchase at my local hardware store are little rubber o-rings. They work great on the nipples. You can see them in a previous post HERE.

Then at a recent Munch one of the men brought in a package of clothes pegs he had picked up at a dollar store. They were big and clumsy, and the grip wasn’t great, but the thought behind them was good. The partner he had planned on using them on was new to kink and had never tried clamps of any sort before. He didn’t want to start her out with something that was too much for her and give her a bad experience.

This made me wonder what I could find at a dollar store. It is a great place to start rather than spending a lot of money on items you may not enjoy enough to spend that kind of money on. A few bucks at a dollar store and you can try a variety of items and figure out which are worth investing good money in.

Yesterday I went to the Dollar Tree down the street for the Dollar Store Challenge. There were a ton of items you could have some kinky fun with. I won’t post all the pictures but trust me, there were a lot more than what I am posting. I’ve grouped the items by category although you can use some of the items in different ways, or ways that could fall into more than one category.

Go out to one of your local stores and see what you can find to play with.

Which one of these do you think I purchased for myself?

Impact Play:


rulers, for the scholarly


do you like to get paddled?


for the “little” girl


cat toy is actually a bamboo cane in disguise


Sensation Play:


toothpaste (the mint kind)


a cheap sewing tool, similar to a Wartenberg Wheel

Wax Play:

Insertable Sensations:


pop in the freezer for added sensation


a unique sensation to be full of marbles


Binding & CBT:


tie those puppies up or make your own flogger




a leather “Princess” collar

Click the link below to see what wicked things others have been up to this week

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